Boutique Shop Refurbishment in London

A boutique shop in London was purchased for £1.5m in 2020. Our team conducted a comprehensive review of the property and discovered £300,000 in unclaimed Capital Allowances.

Capital Allowance claim for a renovated Boutique Shop in London

The Property

Acquiring the London property for £1.5 million, this property investor’s venture aimed to combine elegance with commerce through a carefully curated boutique refurbishment.

Fit Outs & Refurbishments:

The boutique’s upgrades presented an perfect opportunity to capitalise on Capital Allowances. By claiming allowances on the investment in retail fixtures and fittings, the owner benefitted from substantial tax relief.

Our Approach

Our team fully reviewed the property’s purchase details and associated costs, considering the details of the renovation process. Despite initial claims by the owner’s accountant, our analysis revealed a significant portion of unclaimed Capital Allowances.

Identifying £300,000 in unclaimed allowances (20% of the purchase price), our team compiled a detailed report outlining eligible assets, and their corresponding values. Collaborating closely with the owner’s financial advisors, we ensured the smooth integration of our findings into their overall tax strategy.

Through our tailored approach, the boutique shop owner achieved a notable tax saving of over £60,000, unlocking the full potential of their investment and the successful refurbishment.