Last week, our team attended the Care Roadshow at Hampden Park in Glasgow for the opportunity to meet with individuals and groups who work across the Scottish care sector.
Andy Milnes, Senior Claims Specialists and Karmen Freimuth, Head of Partnerships attended the event to share their tips to a successful Embedded Capital Allowance claim and explain why ECAs are an essential part of tax planning that is often overlooked by care home owners and operators.
At HMA Tax, we recognise that the care sector is often unaware that their property is holding thousands of pounds of unclaimed tax relief in the form of Embedded Capital Allowances. For this reason, our team love attending these events to meet property owners, share their insights and most importantly, share the significant benefit that a commercial property owner can receive through a claim.
Regarding the Glasgow Care Home Roadshow event, Andy Milnes had this to say:
“After a few tough years for the age and health care sector, it was great to turn off the zoom meetings and get out and enjoy in-person events, catching up with some old clients and meeting some new, friendly faces.
It’s always great to speak with new clients and help them to take the steps towards claiming significant tax relief in the form of Embedded Capital Allowances”.
One of the key things discussed at the Care Roadshow was; What items are eligible for a claim? Items such as bathroom facilities, commercial kitchens, fire alarms, lifts and fire doors are all eligible for a claim – essentially everything that would remain in your property if you tipped it upside down.
Our clients are often surprised by the sheer total value of the items embedded within the average care home, as typically we find 35% of the properties purchase price in allowances.

As partners of the National Care Home Association and the Care Roadshows, HMA Tax continues to provide an award-winning service that helps care home owners and operators identify unclaimed capital allowances and receive tax relief.Go
We are looking forward to the Care Home Roadshow in Liverpool next week!